mirror fence

Mirror fences reflect the surrounding landscape. ATTRIBUTION: Erik Anestad (Flickr)

Not interested in the traditional white picket fence? March to the beat of your own drum and accentuate your yard with a unique fence design. Fences can range in color, size, and materials while still providing much-needed benefits like privacy and security. I’ve gathered some creative and unconventional fence ideas that can add instant whimsy and aesthetic appeal to your home.

Mirror Fence

Envisioned and designed by artist Alyson Shotz, the 128-foot-long mirrored fence located at the Storm King Art Center in the Hudson Valley of New York reflects the ever-changing seasons. Do-it-yourselfers can re-create this mirror fence using the same materials used by Shotz: wood, acrylic, aluminum, and hardware.

horizontal fence

Instead of the usual vertical slats, this fence uses horizontal slats. ATTRIBUTION: pb3131 (Flickr)

Piano Keys Fence

Display your love for music with a fence that resembles black and white piano keys. To complete this fence design, paint the entire fence white. To create the black raised keys, paint slimmer, shorter boards black and attach them between two of the white “keys.” Create your own version of a keyboard, or duplicate a standard piano keyboard.

Horizontal Fence

Horizontal fences offer a high-class look and unbeatable privacy. The horizontally placed slats can be constructed from a wide range of wood types, including popular options like cedar and redwood. Horizontal fences are built similar to traditional vertical designs with posts set in concrete. Instead of affixing vertical pickets, slats are attached to the posts horizontally.

bicycle fence

A fence made up of old bicycles is a unique idea. ATTRIBUTION: Jay Phagan (Flickr)

Colored Pencil Fence

Perfect for playgrounds and other areas where children gather, a colored pencil fence can add fun and color to any outdoor space. These fences are made with round posts that are pointed at the tops and painted a range of colors to resemble colored pencils. The posts can also be placed at varying heights to resemble a used box of pencils.

Old Bicycle Fence

Transform your old trash into treasure by creating a bicycle fence. The bike frames themselves can be attached to one another, tire to tire, to create a barrier around a property. Separate bicycle parts, such as tires and frames, can also be welded together and attached to posts to create a “wall” of bicycle parts.

cat fence

Create curb appeal with creative cut-outs. ATTRIBUTION: Mason Masteka (Flickr)

Sheet Metal Fence

Sheet metal fences can add an architectural feel to your backyard. The framework for a sheet metal fence can be made from wood. New or repurposed sheet metal is then attached to the frame to add security, privacy, and aesthetic interest. Sheet metal can be painted a full range of colors or left with its original silvery finish or aged patina.

Cut-Out Fence

Cut-out fences feature decorative elements ranging from animal forms to simple shapes. To create a unique cut-out, make a template and trace it onto the wood pickets. Use a jigsaw to cut out your design. Larger cut-outs near the bottom of the fence can be covered with aluminum screening to allow pets to peek out.