
Plant, nurture and celebrate trees on Arbor Day. ATTRIBUTION: amekinfo (Flickr)

Arbor Day is a nationally celebrated day that highlights the environmental importance of trees. Generally celebrated on the last Friday in April, Arbor Day festivities encourage individuals and groups to observe the holiday by planting and caring for trees. On April 29, get in on the action by participating in an environmentally focused activity. Here, I’ve compiled a list of ideas for celebrating Arbor Day.

Plant a Tree

In 1872, J. Sterling Morton would start what would soon become known as Arbor Day in Nebraska City, Nebraska. Today, Arbor Day is celebrated once a year to encourage planting and caring for trees. By planting a tree, you’re giving back to our planet. Trees help to curb soil erosion, provide clean air, and create homes for animals. Trees in your yard also help to shade your home, which helps to cut air conditioning costs.

Clean Up a Community Space

Take time to recognize Arbor Day by participating in the cleanup of a park or other community space. On your own or with a group, work on landscaping and gardening projects, paint over graffiti, remove weeds and overgrown vegetation, and pick up and properly dispose of any litter found on the ground or near pond or river banks.


On Arbor Day, volunteers play a critical role in tree-planting and care within communities. By volunteering to help an organization, you can benefit the environment and beautify your community. There are many ways to help out: Collect photos of street trees, provide tree health reports, help organize Arbor Day celebrations, and more.

Hold a Block Party

Have fun and celebrate Arbor Day by hosting a block party in your community. With the help of neighborhood organizations, you can encourage local residents to adopt and care for street trees in front of their homes. Give away trees to families in the neighborhood, and have everyone of all ages get involved in planting them.

Take a Hike

Experience Mother Nature up close with an Arbor Day tree identification hike. During the hike, participants can learn basic tree identification information, such as how to identify trees based on their color, leaves, and other characteristics. Bring along a tree guide book or download an app for your phone to help you identify trees in your area.

Attend a Class

On Arbor Day, attend a class on tree and plant care. Learn how to properly plant and care for various types of trees and the advantages of doing so. Many Arbor Day classes are hands-on, allowing you the opportunity to take a class trip and see trees up close.

Save a Tree

A great way to save trees is by reducing your use of paper products. On Arbor Day, organize and sponsor a paper drive to gather paper products to be recycled. Ask residents and businesses to turn in their old newspapers, junk mail, wrapping paper, and corrugated cardboard. If your local recycling plant buys waste paper, use the proceeds from the event to plant trees in parks or other public spaces.