dog house

Upgrade your pup’s doghouse. ATTRIBUTION: Wikimedia Commons – Gkasica

You’ve washed the windows, pruned the bushes, and cleaned the gutters. Before finishing up your outdoor maintenance checklist, be sure to add one more task. With summer just around the corner, your dog will need a place to escape the sun. Renovate your pup’s dog house to create a unique space where your furry friend can remain safe and comfortable.

Dog House with a Shaded Porch

I’ve spent many summer days relaxing on my shaded porch, enjoying the nice weather. Your pooch can also enjoy the dog days of summer with his own dog house with shaded porch. Purchase a pre-built dog house with attached porch or create an addition to your existing dog house. Porch additions can be constructed from durable wood for longevity or you can create an awning-style porch using a sheet of canvas or other waterproof material. A shaded porch will provide your pup with a barrier from the sun without having to stay in a stuffy dog house when the weather gets hot.

Minimalist-Inspired Dog Houses

If you’re a minimalist, your dog may be one too. Minimalist-style dog houses are clean and cozy without all the bells and whistles of more complex structures. When shopping for a minimalist dog house, be on the lookout for a structure with clean lines, a neutral color scheme, and a modern façade. Opt for a house built from high-quality, durable materials that will last through any type of weather. Keep the inside of the house simple with just a plush dog bed.

Dog Houses with Pool and Deck

If you want to give your pooch the life of luxury, add a pool and deck to his dog house. A small wading pool is the perfect option for dogs who want fast relief from the summer heat. Surround the pool with a deck so that your dog can lounge in the sun. If you don’t have the time or money to build or buy an intricate pool for your pup, grab an inexpensive plastic kiddie pool and fill it with water. Your dog will love it just the same.

Environmentally-Friendly Dog House

Renovate your dog house without contributing to environmental pollution and waste by choosing to build with recycled materials. Use recycled wood, nails, and other materials to build or repair your dog’s house. You can decorate the home with fresh flowers and have the roof function as a mini garden or flower box. If you prefer to buy a pre-made structure, there are many companies that build and sell eco-friendly dog houses.

Dog House with Top Lounging Area

If lounging about is an essential part of your dog’s day, be sure to provide a special place where he can lie and observe the world around him. Make use of vertical space by adding an upper deck above your pup’s dog house. Place a set of stairs on either side of the dog house to allow for easy access onto the roof. You may also want to add railings around the perimeter of the deck to keep your pooch safely enclosed.