With spring right around the corner, open to your mind to new possibilities in your garden. This year, you can expect to see a plethora of new and exciting gardening trends that will take your yard to a whole new level. When planning your spring garden, take different factors into consideration, such as sun exposure, plant arrangement, and the layout of your backyard. Start preparing in early spring and you’ll be able to enjoy your new backyard the rest of the year.

Outdoor Dining Retreat

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a meal outdoors. The fresh air, natural sunlight, and relaxing atmosphere create the perfect dining environment. If possible, push your dining space into the garden so you can enjoy the beautiful view as you eat. When planning your outdoor dining destination, Garden Design Magazine recommends surrounding the dining area with container and in-ground plants to create a lush feeling. Lighting, furniture, and special flooring can also be added to make the space feel even cozier.

Root-to-Stem Gardening

Reducing food waste remains an important topic across America. You can do your part to reduce food waste by using all parts of plants, from the roots to the seeds. Known as root-to-stem gardening, this trend applies to all types of vegetables that can safely be eaten from top to bottom. For those inedible pieces of the plant, The Home Depot suggests creating a compost pile. Through composting, you can turn your fruit and veggie scraps into nutrition for your garden.

Zen Gardens

Creating a Zen garden is an effective way to improve your focus, reduce stress, and develop an overall sense of well-being. Zen gardens should be unique to each person, but you may want to draw inspiration from a Zen garden by HGTV that features succulent plants surrounded by smooth stones. Incorporate simple lines and avoid too much clutter to achieve a peaceful setting. Design a pathway and sitting area nearby to allow you to really enjoy your tranquil garden.

Water Features

Water features create a focal point in your garden. From waterfalls and fountains to ponds and simple basins, water can add instant color, texture, and even fragrance to your garden. Create a small oasis in your garden by adding a water feature like a bird bath or bubbling fountain. Nursery Management also suggests taking advantage of natural water sources like rainfall and storm runoff by filtering the water for plants.

Wabi-Sabi Gardening

Defined as “beauty in imperfection,” wabi-sabi gardening involves the appreciation of forms in natural landscaping. This means incorporating features that may be incomplete, asymmetrical, or simple in design. Gardens that incorporate wabi-sabi often have both natural and manmade elements, such as plants and stones along with gates and gardening tools. “The key here is ‘balancing nature and nurture,'” says MSN. “So you’re advised to ‘sit back, relax and reflect on the beauty of your garden’s natural imperfections.'”

Planting for Privacy

In this day and age, it can be hard to find privacy. At the end of a long day at work, many of us just want to escape the noise and get a little “me time.” Create a secluded area in your garden where you can read, enjoy a glass of wine, or just sit and relax. To block out the outside world, incorporate privacy plants around the perimeter of your backyard. American Meadows suggests planting tall, foliage-heavy, or vining plants that help obstruct intrusive noises or eyesores.