Like most people, my New Year’s resolutions often focus on eating healthier and kicking bad habits. This year, I want to give my home more attention. The start of a new year means the chance to begin anew. Make resolutions for your home that involve cleaning, organizing, and creating a safe environment for your family.

  1. Create a cleaning schedule. Start the New Year in a clean, fresh home. After packing up your holiday décor, sit down and create a realistic cleaning schedule to help you stay on task. By adopting a daily routine, you can keep messes to a minimum in as little as 20 minutes a day.
  2. Evaluate and eliminate clutter around the home. Don’t keep things just because they were expensive or sentimental. Donate items that you no longer want, need, or use or sell items to make some extra cash. Consider following the mantra, “one thing in, one thing out” when making future purchases.
  3. Organize your life at home. Too much clutter and chaos can lead to stress. Make it a priority to get more organized. Go from room to room, organizing drawers, cabinets, shelves, and closets. Give everything a place to help ensure that items are returned to their rightful place later on.
  4. Perform a safety check. When it comes to your home, safety for yourself and your family is of the utmost importance. Start by checking the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your home and changing the batteries if needed. Also consider creating an escape plan or practicing your existing escape plan to ensure that you’re prepared in case of a fire or other disaster.
  5. Use less energy and save money. Take advantage of energy savings by installing a programmable thermostat and setting it to adjust the temperature when you’re not home or asleep. Turn the lights off when you leave a room, and make sure air is not escaping through doors and windows.
  6. Work on home improvement projects. Do you have home improvement projects that are half-finished or jobs you haven’t even started yet? Take the time to work on these DIY projects. You can even ask the entire family to join in to make it more fun.
  7. Boost your home security measures. There are many ways to make your home more secure. Install motion sensor lights outdoors to illuminate your yard if motion is detected. If your budget allows, you may also want to invest in a home alarm system. Many modern alarm systems are even equipped with video and Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to see your home in real time from your phone wherever you are.
  8. Don’t neglect seasonal maintenance. It’s easy to forget to change the filter in your furnace or clean your air ducts after they have accumulated dirt and dust. If you need help with these tasks, don’t hesitate to call in a professional to properly clean and inspect your home’s systems and appliances.