
The right grass can make your backyard appear greener and healthier. ATTRIBUTION: Flickr – Diehl

Do you wish your backyard grass was greener, fuller, or plusher? Perhaps the existing grass on your property has bare spots of dirt or burned patches of grass caused by too much sunlight and not enough water. Whether you’re just moving into a new home or renovating your current one, take the time to choose grass that can thrive in your unique climate and handle abuse from children, pets, and backyard activities. Here’s a look at some of the most popular types of backyard grass available.


Creeping bentgrass is a type of fine-textured turf often used on golf-courses and other commercial properties. If you live in the right climate, bentgrass can be used for the home, as well. However, this type of grass does not tolerate hot, dry weather or cold winters. Bentgrass is moderately drought-resistant and attractive if maintained. Because of its shallow root system, the grass requires frequent watering and tends to produce thatch.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky bluegrass is highly popular in cool regions, and is known for its excellent texture, density, and color. It can be purchased in either sod or seed, and when properly maintained, it forms a dense and attractive turf. Kentucky bluegrass is better able than many other cool-season grasses to tolerate cold without suffering damage. The grass does not normally thrive in the south because of the hotter conditions. It is also not very shade-tolerant and will thin or die if left in heavy shade.


Bahai is a warm-weather grass that is popular in many southern states. It grows well in a wide variety of soils, is somewhat drought-resistant, and can withstand bugs and disease. Bahai has low fertilizer needs and does not produce much thatch. The grass can be established in most backyards via sod, seeds, or plugs. Bahia grass is not tolerant to saltwater, heavy traffic, or cold temperatures.

Tall Fescue

Tall fescue, also known as ‘turf type’ fescue, is a common form of grass found throughout mainland U.S. It grows quickly during the spring and fall seasons, and is able to handle a good amount of abuse and traffic. Tall fescue is more drought-resistant than many other types of lawns, and can withstand disease and extensive wear and tear. While tall fescue has a good cold tolerance, it can struggle in dry, hot summers, especially those in the lower half of the U.S.


Buffalograss is a type of perennial grass, which means it returns year after year. The grass is quite durable when it comes to weather, but does not hold up against heavy foot traffic. Buffalograss forms a fine-textured, thin turf with a unique soft blue-green color. The grass does not thrive in shaded areas and is easily destroyed by cultivation. One major benefit of this backyard grass is its mowing requirements. Buffalograss can be mowed as infrequently as once a month.


If you despise the bugs and weeds that ruin the appearance of your backyard grass, consider switching to centipede grass. While centipede grass takes longer to grow, the seeds produce a thick lawn that is relatively low-maintenance. Centipede grass is able to grow in low-nutrient soils, can handle light shade, and is fairly drought-resistant. Its downfall is that it can’t handle medium to heavy foot traffic or cold weather.