Fred Jaicks  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks


There are many different types of wind, light breezes, big gusts and tornado force winds are all part of this phenomenon and play an important role in our environment. Wind is formed when the atmospheric gases in the earth shift within the upper air systems; these tiny molecules of air move about to create wind as we know it. Due to the different characteristics wind can take on, it can be classified on their speed, strength and the direction that they are moving. In different areas of the world wind moves in different strengths, speeds, and movements. Some winds last a long time, while others are just short breezes.

Wind is an integral part of our environment. For example, the energy of the sun is absorbed and circulated to create these wind patterns. The temperatures in different parts of the world also make a difference on the wind patterns; as the temperatures around the world differ, the wind patterns will differ along with them. This creates the cool breeze in the summer and the cold gusts of wind in the winter months. Depending on where you live, you might feel one more than the other.

The jet stream is another factor that comes into play when talking about wind and the general weather. A jet stream can be large; it can run anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 miles long and go on for many miles thick. This jet stream is able to carry cold or even hot air across the entire continent that it is running on which ultimately affects the weather. Jet streams allow us to understand weather patterns throughout the world.

Trade winds control the flow and direction of the wind when it comes to storms with heavy gusts such as tornadoes, tropical storms, and dust storms. They can be found near the equator of the world in the tropic zones. There are two different poles in the earth, North and South that have distinct differences in their patterns, which are described as easterly or westerly. The westerly winds originate from the western hemisphere of the world, while the easterly winds come from the polar areas. Storms form when these two poles collide with one another.

As mentioned above, the wind is a vital piece of human life. Not only do we get storms, weather, and the circulation of oxygen; we are also able to operate items, such as blimps with it. Sail boats would not be able to run without wind. Wind can provide energy that is both environmentally friendly and economical efficient. Power can come from the wind through large windmills that power a lot of different items around the world, and it costs nothing to run, only maintenance and original structuring of the windmills. We can measure the wind in many different ways. One of the most popular ways to measure the wind is the Beaufort Scale, which measures winds that are on the water. Instruments that are also used to measure the wind, the most popular of them is the anemometer and wind vanes which can be used at a residential home.

Wind power will continue to develop and be implemented as an alternative energy source. As technology advances wind will become even more necessary, since it may provide and alternative power source for electricity. More information on the wind, and what it is able to do for the world can be found in the links below. Enrich your brain, and find out just how useful the wind is.