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A Guide to Organic Disease & Pest Control

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks. The Sun: Introduction The sun is a star at the center of the solar system around which all local planets orbit. It is made mainly of the gasses hydrogen and helium, with hydrogen taking up about 70% of its mass and helium 28%. A sphere about 864,000...

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Common Household Poisonous Plants

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks. The Sun: Introduction The sun is a star at the center of the solar system around which all local planets orbit. It is made mainly of the gasses hydrogen and helium, with hydrogen taking up about 70% of its mass and helium 28%. A sphere about 864,000...

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Backyard Safety Tips for Kids

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks. The Sun: Introduction The sun is a star at the center of the solar system around which all local planets orbit. It is made mainly of the gasses hydrogen and helium, with hydrogen taking up about 70% of its mass and helium 28%. A sphere about 864,000...

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The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks. The Sun: Introduction The sun is a star at the center of the solar system around which all local planets orbit. It is made mainly of the gasses hydrogen and helium, with hydrogen taking up about 70% of its mass and helium 28%. A sphere about 864,000...

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The Storm List by

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks. The Sun: Introduction The sun is a star at the center of the solar system around which all local planets orbit. It is made mainly of the gasses hydrogen and helium, with hydrogen taking up about 70% of its mass and helium 28%. A sphere about 864,000...

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