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Patio Heaters

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks. The Sun: Introduction The sun is a star at the center of the solar system around which all local planets orbit. It is made mainly of the gasses hydrogen and helium, with hydrogen taking up about 70% of its mass and helium 28%. A sphere about 864,000...

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Observing Clouds

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Clouds are comprised of a mass of small droplets of water and ice that are condensed into a single spot in the sky. When water particles are in the gaseous form they are able to rise into the sky and because they are so small, they actually...

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Poisonous Plant Guide

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Umbrellas are very much a part of outdoor living. However, plants can be considered both outdoor and household design, decor and indoor living. Many plants chosen to be houseplants and landscaping plants for their aesthetic value are in fact...

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Plant Disease and Pathology

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Plant pathology is the study of different diseases that affect plants. These diseases are caused by a number of different factors including environmental factors, and pathogens found within the plants or surrounding flora. The diseases can...

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Putting Wind to Work

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   The word wind usually conjures up an image of an unruly gust overturning umbrellas or a disastrous tornado demolishing everything in its path. But what you don’t see the wind do is provide an economical and environmentally sound energy for...

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Protect against insects on your patio

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Insects are often called “bugs” because they are so bothersome. But annoyance is the least of worries regarding some bugs. Some insects can carry disease and spread it from person to person by biting them. Other insects can cause...

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Rain and Rainbow Activities for Kids

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   You can get kids involved with activities that include rain and rainbows without having to break out the umbrellas. All you need is a little bit of creativity! A great activity for kids involving rain is an activity called “rain in a bag.”...

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Severe Weather Resource

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Even with the fanciest umbrella on the market, there is neither a nation nor a populace protected from the consequences of severe weather. Thunderstorms, floods, hail, and other natural disasters are no respecter of anyone. Weather forecasting...

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Sun Safety Tips

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Many people enjoy sunbathing and playing in the sun, but it is important to be as careful as possible when you are outside. Take a break indoors or under a patio umbrella after prolonged exposure to the sun. It is widely known that the suns’...

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