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The Wind and What it Can Do

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   There are many different types of wind, light breezes, big gusts and tornado force winds are all part of this phenomenon and play an important role in our environment. Wind is formed when the atmospheric gases in the earth shift within the...

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Tree Knowledge Self-Test

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Learn more about trees, or test your knowledge of trees by taking a self-test. Finding out more about the trees, and what they have to offer is something that will better your knowledge. Keep hints and tricks in your mind for every tree. You...

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Vancouver Botanical Garden

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks. The Sun: Introduction The sun is a star at the center of the solar system around which all local planets orbit. It is made mainly of the gasses hydrogen and helium, with hydrogen taking up about 70% of its mass and helium 28%. A sphere about 864,000...

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What is a Tsunami?

Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Scientific Explanation of a Tsunami Tsunami is a Japanese word that translates into English as “harbor wave”. However, a tsunami is not just one wave, but is a series of waves, sometimes referred to as a “wave train”. A tsunami is formed in a...

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Weather Works: Wind

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   The word wind can refer to a gentle breeze or it can conjure up an image of an unruly gust overturning umbrellas or a disastrous tornadodemolishing everything in its path. But what you don’t see the wind do is provide an economical and...

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