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What is Acid Rain?

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Rain or any other type of precipitation that is unusually acidic is described as an acid rain. Acid rain has harmful effects on plant life, trees, aquatic animals, and the planet’s infrastructure, including man-made buildings and homes. To...

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Wind: Our Ally

Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Wind denotes a powerful, natural force that can be used for constructive and destructive purposes. In a natural setting, wind can propel sailboats and destroy architectural foundations. Homeowners fear destructive winds, especially those...

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Wild Weather For Kids

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Weather is an important part of the world around us. The weather helps determine whether to take umbrellas at the start of a day, sunglasses and sunscreen, or a heavy woolen coat and mittens. For the most part meteorologists can predict the...

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Woodworking FAQ

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Woodworking has been around for as long as we have record of man building. You can see examples of ancient woodworking by studying the ancient Egypt and Chinese cultures. The earliest documentation of woodworking, people would use the types of...

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Working With Wood

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Woodworking is the art of making different items from wood. Using wood to make your own items will allow users to make household objects for around the home, for kids, or even just for decoration. This may include furniture, toys, and...

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World Weather

  Written and compiled by Fred Jaicks   Weather governs the clothing that people wear, their vacation plans, architecture, building materials, and the design of practically everything used by humans. Weather information can be obtained from a myriad of sources online and off...

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